Remember this.'You can point a ship in the right direction, but without the proper crew to run it, it will not make it to its destination'. It is inevitability up to the owners and employee's as to how and if the business is going to last. If these restaurant's tanked and closed, it wasn't because Chef Ramsey stepped in and changed things, Chef Ramsey can only do so much as in new dishes, cleaning, training, upgrades to the menu and building etc. Through those years I've seen a lot of businesses come and go, and here is my perspective. You didn't do it to be cool, have a cool haircut, or to have a show, you did it cause you loved it. Back then the money sucked and there was no fame, but you cooked because you had a passion for it and it made people happy. I did this way before being a chef was popular and cool like the tv show chefs or even some wannabe chefs we have nowadays. I've been cooking and creating great dishes for over 40 years, and worked as a chef from the 70s thru the 90s.